Trout Unlimited Priority Waters

Learn about Trout Unlimited’s Priority Waters work across the country, explore the map, and search our projects

a native trout in a river,
suspended in the flow,
picking mayflies
off the surface.

Or wild salmon
flooding into a stream
following instincts
handed down
over too many generations to count

Think of a community coming together, blueprinting ideas, raising voices, getting hands dirty, to see that the next generation experiences the magic of those fish and those waters

These are the scenes that motivate and inspire the people of Trout Unlimited.

Scientists and stream restoration teams, lawyers and policy pros, volunteers who fish and advocates who appreciate the simple beauty of a native fish finning in the current —we are all dedicated to caring for, restoring and recovering trout and salmon waters, for today and for generations to come.


Priority Waters

Caring for and recovering America’s trout and salmon waters

Priority Waters