Translating Science Into Action

Before We Do Our Fieldwork, We Do Our Homework

Rooting Conservation in Science

We bring fisheries and conservation research to bear on our work across the country.

Our national network of scientists and program staff give us specialized skills in conservation genetics, web mapping and data visualization, fisheries and ecology, population modeling, entomology, hydrology, engineering, and restoration remote sensing. If it’s a fisheries science discipline, we have it covered. At Trout Unlimited, we do primary research, monitoring, and analysis with partners in universities, agencies, and other conservation groups.

Given this muscle, it’s no wonder that science guides how and where we focus our conservation efforts and underpins our policy positions. Decision-support tools and maps are helping to inform Priority Water discussions, and science will help us assess where we’re succeeding and where we can do better. 

We are also inspiring our volunteers and supporters to do their own science, giving them the tools to monitor conditions in their streams, identify invasive species, and use research to back up their advocacy efforts.

Focusing Conservation Efforts

With wild and native trout and salmon populations on the ropes across the country, the first step of strategic conservation is deciding where to work. Our GIS pros help our conservation teams answer that foundational question with range-wide mapping tools like the Conservation Portfolio and decision-support tools.

Showing How Our Projects Make a Difference

We use remote sensing technologies like LIDAR and imagery gathered with drones and satellites to provide fine-scale data for conservation teams. We develop plans that help our restoration teams tease out and assess the effectiveness of their work. Are fish thriving in the newly reconnected and restored habitat? We help answer those critical questions.

Getting Communities Invested in Science

When people do community science on their waters, they become better and more knowledgeable advocates for trout and salmon. Volunteers can help fill data gaps, provide water quality information that helps Trout Unlimited and agencies advocate for greater protections, and collect key stream temperature information that guides conservation decisions. With Trout Unlimited’s RIVERS app, we’ve made it easier than ever.

Keep Exploring

Rise to the Moment

We believe the most complex and seemingly insurmountable challenges can be solved when people come together and get to work. Help us do the good work of fixing America’s rivers and streams for the benefit of anglers, families, and local communities.

How You Can Help
Priority Waters